
Former Mossad chief Halevy admits Israel supported ISIS in Syria to weaken Russia


In an interview with the Qatar-based news network Al Jazeera, Efraim Halevy, the former head of Mossad confirmed what many in the Middle East and around the world already surmised: that Israel provided “tactical” assistance to Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian affiliate of Al Qaeda and ISIS, throughout the Syrian civil war.

The fact that Halevy chose the Qatari government-funded Al Jazeera to make his revelation is even more noteworthy considering the fact that Qatar is also a major financial supporter of Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS in Syria.

Reports from UN observers in the Golan Heights confirmed regular contact between Israel Defense Force officers and armed Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State terrorists at the Syrian-Israeli border.

Halevy’s admission blows wide open the real reason the Obama administration is opposed to the release of the 28 pages from the 2002 joint Congressional inquiry on the intelligence failures that led to the 9/11 attack on the United States. WMR has spoken to sources familiar with the report’s content who have revealed that the footnotes, where the “devil is hiding in the details,” adds Israel, Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates, in addition to the obvious guilty state party, Saudi Arabia, to the list of countries linked to facilitating the deadliest single foreign attack on U.S. soil in American history.

Halevy’s comments add to what WMR previously reported about comments made in a private conversation by one of Halevy’s predecessors in Mossad that funding for the 9/11 attack was handled by the six largest US banks in New York. The clear implication by the former Mossad chief was that the funding was well known to the Bush administration before the attack was carried out.

Halevy’s admission of a tactical alliance between Israel and a Syrian branch of Al Qaeda also explains the similar alliance between Israel and the 9/11 plotters in the months prior to the 2001 attack. The presence of hundreds of Israeli “art students,” “mall kiosk vendors,” and “furniture movers,” all of whom were Mossad agents, in close vicinity to the Arab airplane hijackers from 2000 to 2001 points to the Israeli-Al Qaeda tactical alliance being more enduring than it has been in Syria.

The real reason why Senator Charles Schumer and House Speaker Paul Ryan, in addition to Barack Obama, have erected significant barriers to the 28 pages being released in full is that they fear that the details buried in the footnotes will expose Israel and other Gulf states as responsible parties in the 9/11 attack. And if the proposed Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) became law, which it will not since Obama has promised to veto it, Israel and Saudi Arabia could find themselves stripped of sovereign immunity from lawsuits and facing thousands of plaintiffs in U.S. courts.

Halevy said it was “humane” for Israel to provide medical assistance to wounded Syrian terrorists but that such “humaneness” would never be extended to Shi’a Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon who have been fighting against the Sunni jihadist terrorists in Syria. Israel’s “humaneness” was also shown for all the world to see in Gaza, where it murdered hundreds of children, old men, and women in incessant bombing attacks on highly populated areas.

Postscript on Mossad’s “humaneness”

Mossad showed “humaneness” in the radiation poisoning death of Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat, and the more recent death of Western Sahara liberation leader Mohamed Abdelaziz who reportedly died in an Algerian hospital after battling cancer. Abdelaziz’s family contends that the leader of the POLISARIO liberation front was poisoned by Moroccan intelligence agents. Western Sahara has been fighting a decades-long battle for independence against Morocco, which invaded the former Spanish Sahara in 1975. Cancer weapons are believed to have been perfected by Halevy’s “humane” Mossad and may have been successfully used on Arafat, who died from a form of fast-acting leukemia; Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, who died from fast-acting pelvic cancer; and now, Abdelaziz, who died at the age of 68 from cancer. Mossad is a close partner of the Moroccan intelligence agency.