Photo Exhibition of Two Years of Saudi War in Capital Sana’a
The Yemeni capital city, Sana’a, witnessed the inauguration of the “Intense Ruggedness” photo exhibition on Wednesday, which contained a collection of works of art and creative images, particularly images that expose the crimes committed by the 10-country Saudi-led coalition during the past two years against Yemen.
The exhibition, which is now open in Al-Thawra district, consisted of five different pavilions, some of which present photographs of crimes perpetrated by the coalition against the human being and infrastructure. Other pavilions explained factors of the Yemeni steadfastness and included images of military achievements and military manufacturing. The 5th pavilions was specialized for the women’s sector. .
The exhibition, which will last for one week, aims at raising the state of community awareness and providing the opportunity to develop skills and abilities, as well as to inform the world of the humanitarian crimes and the ensuing humiliating defeats inflicted by the coalition.