
# Iraq: 3 suicide bombers attack the village of South Baiji and declare curfew in Tikrit




A security source in the province of Salah al-Din announced  today that three suicide bombers attacked a village south of the Baiji district, while authorities announced a curfew in the city of Tikrit and Al-Alam district, based  on information on the presence of other suicide bombers.

The  source said that “three suicide bombers attacked this morning the village of Botemp (10 km south of Baiji), whereas  one of them blew himself up and a child killed and three members of one family was injured, while the owner of the house managed to kill the other. The  third one was looked for  under way amid intense security alert. ”

The source added that “the authorities in the province announced the curfew in the city of Tikrit and the area of AL-Alam the based on  information on the presence of other suicide bombers.”

It is noteworthy that the work has been suspended in all official institutions  and the access to Tikrit blocked even in front of the security forces, as the people spread with the security forces to help them.