Syrian Military Defies Trump by Making Bombed Airbase Fully Operational Again
Just three days after U.S. President Donald Trump approved the order to launch a warship missile strike on the Shayrat Airport in east Homs, the Syrian military has made this strategic military installation functioning again.
Previously, the Syrian Air Force was launching sporadic missions from the Shayrat Airport. After the U.S. attack, however, the base was again fully operational on Monday, as planes took off from the bombed airfields.
According to Syrian source, the Syrian Air Force managed several missions on Monday that targeted both the Daesh rebels in northern Hama in the Palmyra countryside and eastern Hama.
Trump, who ordered the cruise missile attack, bragged to journalists on Saturday that his forces crippled the Syrian Air Force at the targeted military base.
While several immobile planes and hangars were damaged, the Syrian military was able to clean-up the mess and rapidly repair any problematic sites.