
Battlefronts are the Scenes of Military operations by the Saudi Led Coalition and The Yemeni Joint Forces




In a response for  the Saudi led coalition operations in and around Yemen ,the Yemeni joint forces killed  many soldiers and destroyed mechanisms on Monday .

A Military official said that the missile force of the Yemeni joint forces bombed gatherings of Saudi soldiers in AL-Hajl village and behind Jawbah Kars site; in addition, the artillery of the Yemeni joint forces bombed gatherings and fortifications  of Saudi soldiers in AL-Qarn, AL-Dokhan ,AL-Khashal ,AL-Faridah ,AL-Manaq, Jahfan ,AL-Kars, ,AL-Abadiah ,AL-Tawal ,AL-Khobah sites. Moreover , the Snipers of the Yemeni joint forces shot dead two  of Saudi soldiers in AL-Faridah site  and AL-Main valley in Jizan.

The official added that the artillery of the Yemeni joint forces bombed two military mechanisms in ALab ,one of them filled with  ammunitions and those on board killed in Asir.

Moreover, the artillery of the Yemeni joint forces targeted gatherings of Saudi soldiers in Nahooqah ,AL-Qatreen ,behind AL-Shabakah sites and opposite AL-Khadra , as well as the the snipers shot dead two Saudi soldiers in AL-Makhrooq site .The missile force targeted gatherings of Saudi soldiers opposite Al-Khadra , western AL-Makhrooq ,and Nahooqah monitor in Najran.

According to a security source, the paid fighter leader Ali Mashli AL-Hamidi killed in Robiah valley ,serwah directorate; gatherings of paid fighters’ gatherings in Namlah valley ,Hareeb AL-Qarameesh resulting in direce injuries; and 8 of paid fighters shot dead in separated areas ,Serwah directorate, Mareb.

Furthermore, the artillery of the Yemeni joint forces targeted gatherings of the Saudi led coalition forces in Dobab , as a result dead and wounded amid their ranks and a mechanism burnt in Taiz.

The engineering unit bombed a military tank of paid fighters ,as a result those who were on board killed in Ham hills ,AL-Matoon directorate , and a paid fighter shot dead in Shawaq valley ,AL-Qael directorate in AL-Jawf.

The engineering unit also  bombed a military tank affiliated paid fighters and those on board killed in AL-Safra area ,Asilan directorate in Shabwah.

Dead and wounded fell and mechanisms destroyed  as the Yemeni joint forces responded to the Saudi led coalitions led results.