
AL- Qaeda Removes a Disabled’s Parts!





When I saw the body of that unidentified person, lying on the streets of Taiz

The picture looked very shaky

Rand Al Adeimi, she has seen her home destroyed every day, so she has written a story to know what`s going on Ta`ze, her home
Rand Al Adeimi, she has seen her home destroyed every day, so she has written a story to know what`s going on Ta`ze, her home

A body that had its body parts removed, no hands, head or feet. I felt the innate anger that pervades healthy souls.

But I do not deny

That I was haunted by hallucination and the stings of my conscience realizing he is a criminal from Al Qaeda faction, who has been killed by it as one of its not finished killing measures

It is only few hours until I received the next call

The one of the cut corpse that you saw is a son of your neighbor Mohamed Al-Faroum.

How would I not know him?!

I know the features of his face well, taking his handicapped hands to hurry in the mornings to start a day filed with struggle

The face that shimmers a tan color mixed with the color of the fall

I still remember that peaceful smiley man.

Run was a witness for Attan Attack, she got a story for a child who was a victim for this attack, she wants to participate you as the third participation to her in " your journalist"
Run was a witness for Attan Attack, she got a story for a child who was a victim for this attack, she wants to participate you as the third participation to her in ” your journalist”

I called his brothers and with such sorrow asked them:

Did he join the resistance militias…did he fall for Al-Qaeda?

They had one answer; he had nothing to do with what’s going on…he only followed that small motor using it to collect small amounts of money to satisfy his needs.

But why has he been turned into pieces?! is his fault saying the truth against a criminal and a murderer?

Today, the son of my neighborhood has become the head of the newspapers with a body full of harm.

And he became a scarecrow used by al-Qaeda to intimidate opponents!

I wished that the headlines would include that miserable or even create a novel like Victor Hugo of Les Miserable for him to be a part of.

As a man that challenged his handicapped hand or talent and providing hope for the discouraged

But this is impossible in a country dominated by militias that are away from God’s teachings

No law protects the weak unless you follow the herd of killers and extend your beard a bit to become the ruler by God’s command.


A photo show a disabled who killed by al qaeda in Ta`iz western Yemen




transilated by Malak Ali