
More than 80 religious scholars held out in Britain against the Bahraini regime





The Bahraini regime today Saturday, repressed new peaceful marches condemning the arrest of Sheikh Abdul Zahra Karbabadi and his family in the Karababad region.

In Abu Sbea’ city and the island of Sitra there were a strong clashes broke out between the demonstrators and the forces of Khalifah regime during marches demanding the rights of prisoners and workers also to denouncing violations of the regime against Sheikh Issa al-Qasim.

In that context, the US Federal Religious Freedom Commission had issued a report criticizing the decline of religious freedoms in Bahrain, citing a sharp increase in the number of arrests, investigations and arrests of Shi’ite clerics.

The report categorized Bahrain as the second-largest violation of religious freedoms and said Bahraini authorities were barring access to specific mosques and forbidding others to perform Friday prayers with other religious events.

As well as, today in Britain, more than 80 religious scholars called on the Bahraini government to stop the trial of Sheikh Qassem.