
Al-Qaeda Ready to Join Saudi-led Coalition to Fight the So- Called “Houthis” in Yemen: Leader





The leader of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), Qassim Al-Raymi, issued a statement on Saturday that his terrorist organization is ready to fight the “Houthis” in Yemen.

“Above all, we say that we will never miss any chance to unite efforts to fight against the Houthis” the terrorist leader said.

Saudi-led military coalition claimed last Sunday that the Houthi forces arrested several leaders and members of Al Qaeda during a raid in support of their anti-terrorism operations in Yemen, a thing which Al Qaeda denied in a statement on 26 April 2017.

Al-Raymi also said he is ready to make truce with ex-Yemeni President Hadi government and to set for negotiations.

On the same context, Qasim Al Raymi, confirmed that many Yemeni citizens whom America has put on terror list have no organizational connection with Al-Qaeda.