
The Iraqi Popular Encircles around the Center of Kairouan




The Popular Army forces on Monday tightened the cordon around the center of the Kairouan district ,west of Mosul

Commander of Major General 11 al-Hamdani said that the popular crowd arrived in the village of Cairo two days ago and cut off supply and momentum of “Daesh”, backed by Saudi, , noting that Cairo is only 1,800 meters from the center of Kairouan.

He added that the forces of the crowd on the other side exceeded the village of Khneisi , and they  will tighten the entire ring on the center of the Kairouan to liberate it and turn over the first page of the operations, “Mohammed Rasul Allah II,”, asserting that the crowd tightened control of the center of the area by 300 degrees.

The popular crowd completed last Friday the liberation of the village of Cairo ,south of the Kairouan, with an important operation completed within hours.

Sayyad #Houthi, the leader of Ansar Allah in #Yemen, warned the world leaders from Saudi Arabia, whom is a major exporter of the kind of jihadist ideology that drives groups like al-Qaeda and the Deash.