
Putin awards Russian commandos that fought in Syria’s Palmyra




Russian President Vladimir Putin has personally presented government awards to a number of commandos who for two days confronted progressing terrorists in Syria face-to-face, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated.

“On Wednesday, the head of state personally presented government awards to a group of Russian commandos for holding back advancing terrorists in Syria’s Aleppo province for two days running,” Peskov confirmed.

“Due to lack of coordination Syrian troops had retreated in that area, leaving our military outpost on the frontline.”

Earlier, Putin had promised he would personally present the awards to the commandos.

On May 10, it was declared that various officers of the special operations group in Syria had been decorated for their role in the war on terrorists in Syria.

“The group’s commander, a colonel and three of his officers, were invited to Moscow for the decoration ceremony. The colonel, referred to only by his first name, Danila, was awarded the title of the Hero of Russia. All other officers will receive combat decorations,” a report on the Rossiya-24 television news channel mentioned without revealing the officers’ names.

The group of 16 commandos had been directing airstrikes against terrorists’ positions.

Russian special operations units have been taking an active part  in combat operations in Syria. Earlier, the chief of Russia’s General Staff, Sergey Rudskoy, said that in cooperation with the Aerospace Force, they made a crucial  contribution to recapturing the ancient city of Palmyra from Daesh (outlawed in Russia) in March 2017.
