
Roots of the Saudi War on Yemen: Naseh Shaker


Naseh Shaker is a Yemeni journalist writing for Al-Masdar News Website. Shaker is currently residing in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, and has witnessed the  bitterness of the Saudi war from the very beginning. Naseh Shaker will be YemenExtra’s journalist for today and will share an article with you regarding the roots of the Saudi war on Yemen: 

Dear free world, I am writing in response to Saudi Arabia’s ongoing war and actions of violence and aggression on Yemen to put in the picture the roots of the Saudi war on Yemen.

It is also a call for a new wave of solidarity in support of the oppressed people and for thanking the Yemeni Army and Popular Committees fighting this aggression on Yemen for more than 26 months, no country can tolerate being bombed on a daily basis.

“It is also a call for a new wave of solidarity in support of the oppressed people and in thanking the Yemen Army and Popular Committees fighting this aggression on Yemen for more than 26 months”

It is also a call for solidarity with the oppressed people whom are affected by Saudi monarchy proxy war in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Bahrain, and even Lebanon. Lets remember them in our prayers in this holy month of Ramadan. I think all of the people around the world should be inspired by the new Yemeni generation of fearless young volunteering and fierce fighters, whom are asserting their right of self-determination and freedom from Saudi monarchy, apartheid and sectarianism by standing in the face of this rude war on Yemen.

These Yemeni men, whom our prophet Mohammed had praised them by saying “Eman (faith) is Yemenite, and wisdom is also Yemenite i.e. the Yemenites are well-known for their true belief and wisdom). On the other hand, prophet Mohammed refused to praise the people of Najd (currently known as Riyadh) as our prophet was praising Yemen and Syria.

When the prophet stood up besides the pulpit in Medinah, Saudi Arabia now, (he pointed towards the east) and said: “Afflictions are there! Afflictions are there! From where appears the horn of Satan”, referring to Riyadh; a birthplace for Saudi monarchy house. The prophet added “Pride and arrogance are characteristics of the rural bedouins”, stressing from Riyadh (Najd) will appear the horn of the Satan. It is noteworthy that Saudis had taken the Najran province in 1934 from Yemen on a 20-year lease, which they never returned. Before the emergence of the House of Al Saud, the rulers of the Najd(Riyadh), it was Yemen that was the dominant power in the Arabian peninsula. And you should know that this is the first time Saudis are directly in a war in this region, instead of only funding one in Syria, Libya or Iraq.

So we should help Yemenis recapture their occupied lands, Najran, Asir and Jaizan. One day we shall enjoy us joining together and hearing Yemen’s national anthem which says “No foreigner shall ever hold dominion over Yemen.”

Dear reader, HRW has documented 58 separate instances of Saudi airstrikes on civilians that violate the laws of war, including attacks on hospitals and water bottling factories.

A Yemeni man grabs a child by his clothes as he searches for survivors under the rubble in houses destroyed by an overnight Saudi-led air strike on a residential area in Sana’a on May 1, 2015.

Just last October, Saudi forces bombed a funeral hall in the capital Sana’a, killing 140 people and wounding another 525. To make matters worse, the Saudis have also imposed a blockade on Yemen, preventing goods from entering the country by sea or air. This has put Yemen’s civilian population in great peril. Even prior to the war, Yemen was the Middle East’s poorest country. Over 90 per cent of its food supplies were imported. It was just the day before yesterday, a group of 10 ambassadors to Yemen has issued a statement condemning the UN special envoy being thrown by eggs by protesters demanding the UN lifting blockade on Sana’a International Airport and providing salary payments as promised for state employees, which they lacked for more than 6 months.

These ambassadors never issued a statement condemning Saudis bombing a funeral hall, killing dozens of civilians or demanding an end of war that left the country devastated amid a Cholera outbreak which hit the state, killing tens of dozens. So for Al Saud, if they really cared about Yemen’s legitimate government, they would invest in building institutions, infrastructure, and in fostering a social climate conducive to result in a Yemeni self-rule and self-sufficiency.

You would educate for peace and coexistence, not violence and war in the country and Arab world. The reason you don’t do any of these things is because, in fact, you don’t care at all about the Yemenis. You represent a campaign of hate and bigotry, you are disguised just like the founder of your monarchy family, Abdulaziz Al Saud, who wrote his will to his sons.

This “will” which he delivered to his sons states that: ” Your mighty and strength is when Yemen is brought down, and you are down when Yemen is mighty.” By stating the previous point, we can say the King Salman’s fierce war on Yemen is just an execution for the will of his father to force Yemen down.

Some local activists say” Al Saud family is fraud”. I say they are, of course, and they are proudly pro-Israel and if the west countries want it, they’ll be pro-Palestinian existence and profoundly with religion coexistence. However, when it comes to Yemen or other Arab countries, that is haram (forbidden) .

They are also, in fact, sectarian and against Yemen’s fractions to sit around a table and negotiate their internal affairs.

You, Al Saud, are really anti-peace!