
Former CIA Director Hayden calls to not let a young inexperienced to led Saudi




Former NSA and CIA Director Michael Hayden suggested to the current CIA director to not let a young inexperienced Saudi to upset the regional security arrangements.

The former CIA officer, said in an interview with Guardian , also addressed this move by Saudi Arabia and the other Arab countries under its umbrella as irrational and hasty, Recently.

He added ” The U.S. should not forget its simultaneous responsibility for Riyadh and Doha and no preferences exist on this issue.

” Saudi Arabia wants to solve the Gulf Corporation Council (GCC) disputes and also making Qatar to kneel down before them with an anti-terrorism gesture”, he said.

Also he said ” expelling Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas from Qatar is a wrong and inefficient strategy.

Bruce has controversially claimed on that the $110 billion arms deal to Saudi Arabia is fake news.