
Military Solution Is Useless in Yemen: European Parliament




European parliament expressed its concern of humanity situation decay in Yemen. They emphasized that military solution doesn’t work for the conflict in Yemen.

According to statement released by the parliament ” The crisis in Yemen can be solved only through negotiation lead by Yemenis with the participation of the other components.

The parliament statement confirmed its supporting the UN Secretary General and its envoy to Yemen as well the European Union to encourage  the re-negotiation. The parliament has called all the conflict parts to response in a constructive method and without any conditions .

In addition, , they have asked Hadi’s government , former government, to be responsible in its war against terrorism “Daesh”, backed by Saudi Arabia,  Alqaeda” at Arabian Peninsula . Those terrorist groups have got advantages of the unstable current situation . They affirmed that all terrorist crimes must not be justified whatever the reasons are.

It concluded by saying that  they called Saudi Arabia and Iran to improve their relation and work to end fighting in Yemen.