
Foreign Policy: The United States repeated the same mistakes in Yemen as it did in Iraq



One might think that the United States learns from its disastrous policy of killing innocent civilians and destroying the basic functions of a nation. For more than a decade of using drones to “target” suspected terrorists, the Trump administration has now opened the door to Saudis to increase brutal massacres in Yemen and may be in the other part of the glob after Yemen.

Just as the invasion of Iraq ultimately led to the birth of an organization, the killing of innocent Yemenis for no moral reason at all was to provide a recruiting tool for terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East and Africa. Just as the Iraqi invasion was based on a false claim of weapons of mass destruction, the war in Yemen is based on false arguments that the Iranians support terrorism in that country.

In the first two years of the war in Yemen, the United States was unable to provide any evidence of the delivery of Iranian weapons to Yemen. However, the United States, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states supported arms sales, intelligence, and the US-imposed naval and air blockade. Trump has recently sold Saudis $ 125 billion worth of weapons. The results of all this were disastrous and increased the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The forces fighting the Huthis and their allies have gathered from Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Hadi supporters, Islamic militias and some smaller tribes. Saudi Arabia’s international allies – the United States, Britain, France, Turkey and Belgium – are stepping in to support the Hadi regime. Regional countries – Kuwait, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Sudan – also support the Saudis.

The Saudis are not waging a war against soldiers loyal to the Houthis and Saleh alone. They are waging a war against Yemen and the entire Yemeni people, bombing hospitals, schools, medical clinics and other civilian places. The Saudi war has killed more than 10 people and plunged the country into the world’s worst crisis and hunger.

The tragic situation in Yemen has become more acute since the recent outbreak of cholera. Lack of sanitation, clean water and medical care is a breeding ground for the disease. It is reported that the current epidemic has infected more than 300,000 people and killed more than 1,600 people. The number of deaths in Yemen due to cholera is greater than all cholera deaths in the world in 2015, according to the World Health Organization.

The massacres against civilians and daily chaos and humiliation in Yemen widen terrorist organizations. Al Qaeda has been operating in Yemen for a long time, but has been strengthened by the ongoing war in Yemen and is now considered one of the most dangerous terrorist groups. In addition, the organization began to raise a foothold in Yemen.

Although he is on the brink of defeat in Iraq. But American analysts, most recently Ashton Carter in an article in the Washington Post, still ignore how US policies have created the reaction of terrorism and entities such as a sympathetic organization.

In Yemen, the United States repeats the same mistakes it has made in Iraq. The results will be the same, in terms of the birth of terrorist organizations.

Unless the United States changes its policy and relations with corrupt dictators who are not merciful to oil or other geopolitical interests, and adopt a more humane policy, this episode will never end.