
US Welcomes ” Russian & Chinese cooperation on North Korea”



The White House has welcomed “Russia’s and China’s cooperation” with the US against North Korea after the UN Security Council unanimously approved a resolution that introduces new economic sanctions in response to Pyongyang’s latest ballistic missile tests.

“The president appreciates China’s and Russia’s cooperation in securing passage of this resolution,” the White House said in a statement that  “[Donald Trump] will continue working with allies and partners to increase diplomatic and economic pressure on North Korea to end its threatening and destabilizing behavior.”

Russia and China backed the US-drafted resolution which bans exports of coal, iron, lead ore and seafood from North Korea.

Moscow and Beijing had previously blocked the passage of a similar resolution, insisting that the Chinese-Russian “double freezing” initiative was the sensible solution for the region. The proposal, rejected by Washington,” proposes that North Korea stops its ballistic missile and nuclear activities while the US and its allies halt its war games in the region.