
Partial Eclipse of the Moon in Yemen’s Sky




The sky of Yemen is witnessing a partial eclipse of the moon, which will be visible in all its stages. This eclipse will be the second and last of this year for Yemen and the rest of the Arab region.

According to Yemeni astronomer Ahmed al-Jobi, the eclipse has began at 8:23 pm (Sana’a time) and continued for two hours.

A large number of residents of the Arab region and most of East Africa and Central Asia will witness this phenomenon, which is one of the most prominent astronomical phenomena in 2017.

The lunar eclipse is the second and last during the year of 2017 for Yemen, where the world had observed an almost moonlit eclipse on the 11th of the last February.

On August 21, the world will get the chance to see a total solar eclipse, the largest astronomical event of the year, but will only be seen by the Atlantic Ocean and North America.