
Over 14 Paid Fighters Fall Dead in Taiz



In a response to the Saudi-led coalition daily air strikes, more than14 paid fighters were killed due to foiling an attempt of advincing by the Yemeni joint forces towards Khalid bin al-Waled camp, a military official reported on Tuesday.

Pushing towards al-Santral hilltop near the camp, the targeted mercenaries, who were members of the battalion led by paid fighter commander Raed al-Yafie, were trying to advance,it confirmed .

The national forces ,furthermore ,hit a military vehicle ,injuring  the paid fighter commander Hamid Shukri and killing  three others of his companions.

On Monday, the artillery of the Yemeni joint forces fired Katyusha missiles against gatherings of the paid fighters in Thubab and northern Yakhtal areas .The missiles struck the targets accurately in al-Imam hilltop, Mountain series in Thubab, and al-Hamali area in Yakhtal.