
Over 10000 Deaths , Two Billion Dollars and 60 Million Dollars… Direct Losses of the Closure of Sana’a Airport: Press Conference




A press conference of the Ministry of Transport shows part of its functioning damaged, which is committed by the blockade, one year after the closure of Sanaa airport.

The Ministry of Transport and the General Authority for Aviation, said that the constant of the closure of Sana’a International Airport without any justification for a flagrant violation of international treaties, and the silence towards the closure of Sana’a airport is a stain in the face of humanity and the course of humanitarian action.

According to the Ministry of Transport, 95 thousand patients are in need of travelling abroad for treatment.

The official spokesman of the General Authority for Aviation stated that the number of patients who needed to travel abroad for treatment was 13914 deaths, and 50 thousand people are requsting to return home, most of them are incabable to meet the expenses.

The Ministry of Transport and the General Authority for Aviation reported the losses of the air transport sector which are over two billion dollars and 60 million dollars as direct losses of the airport.