
A Successful Operation Carried Out by theYemeni Joint Forces in Taiz




In a response to the Saudi-led coalition nonstop air strikes , a number of coalition forces and the fugitive former president Hadi’s men fell dead and wounded, Saturday , at the hands of the Yemeni joint forces in Taiz.

The Yemeni joint forces carried out an offensive on the positions of Saudi led forces in the Al-Arbaenah and neighboring sites ,inflicting heavy losses amid their ranks, accrding to a military official.

The Yemeni joint forces ,in addition, were able to foile an attempt of advancing by Saudi led forces towards the Al-kandi of Al-Tashrifat , causing upon them heavy loss in lives and ammunitions.

Earlier, the missile forces of the army hit with Zelzal-2 missile gatherings of paid fighters in Hamli in the directorate of Moza’a , confirming that the missile hit its target accuratly and leaving heavy losses among the invaders and paid fighters.