
Statement of the Saudi-Led Coalition Spokesman Rejected :Supreme Political Council




An official source in the Supreme Political Council ridiculed the allegations made in the statement of the spokesman of the Saudi-led coalition called, Turki al-Maliki, on Sana’a airport, confirming that it is purely false and rejected it in total way.

The source pointed out that the Sana’a International Airport was closed a year ago from the Saudi-led coalition on Yemen and this has caused great human suffering for citizens.

The source was surprised by the allegations that there are concerns about the safety of civil aircraft and commercial flights to Sana’a airport, while the United Nations planes land at the airport every week since the beginning of the war to date. “The allegation of smuggling weapons or others is nothing but false and untrue allegations.

The source confirmed that the national cadre that manages the airport of Sana’a has the experience and skills are well-known, which drops all the pretexts marketed by the Saudi-led coalition to continue the blockade and tighten the screws on the Yemeni people.

The source stataed that the issue of the management of Sana’a airport and other airports, ports and other ways in the Republic of Yemen is a sovereign right which cannot be abandoned or waived to any party, and not accept any conditions or dictates thereon and cannot accept cheap extortion and trade on the human suffering of Yemeni citizens for political gains or military failure to achieve in two and a half years of the comprehensive aggression on Yemen and committed the most abhorrent massacres and destroyed the infrastructure in full .. He pointed out that the Yemeni people, who made serious sacrifices refuse to diminish the freedom ,sovereignty and independence.

The source added that “Sana’a airport is completely safe and that for the safety of aviation better than all airports and ports that are under occupation and controlled by the Saudi-led coalitionand are under the authority of groups and armed gangs fighting among themselves to manage these ports and looting revenue.”

The source pointed out that the spokesman of the aggression and through his recent statement, indirectly accuses the United Nations and the Red Cross, of smuggling and this issue is absolutely unacceptable by us, affirming that Sana’a airport has been receiving a regular aircraft for a year and did not happen to complain that the United Nations or other security or non-security risks to the safety of aviation to and from Sana’ airport.

The source did not rule out the existence of a relationship between the statements of the spokesman of the Saudi-led coalition and his paid troops in the so-called the fugitive former Hadi government , in addition to the statements of the international envoy, whose goal is to impose more siege and isolation on the Yemeni people and to prevent the arrival of aid and exacerbate the humanitarian situation in Yemen.

The source regretted the failure of the Saudi-led coalition to respond to international calls for the opening of San’a airport, although this action is not based on any international resolutions and is not recognized by any international charters or treaties, but is arbitrary and a flagrant decision.

The official source in the Supreme Political Council called upon the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Security Council and humanitarian and international human rights organizations to bear their legal, humanitarian and moral duties and to carry out their duties and responsibilities to force the Saudi-led coalition to reopen Sana’a airport and other air, sea and land ports.

Source :Website

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