
600,000 Syrians return home, majority to Aleppo




 According to a study by the International Organization for Migration (a United Nations body), some 602,759 displaced Syrians have returned to their houses of which about two-thirds of that number specifically resettled in Aleppo Governorate.

The period of time the study accounts for is from January to June 2017.

Of the 602,759 returned Syrians, approximately 84 percent were internally displaced and the remaining sixteen percent were displaced in Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey and Jordan.

The study found that two of the biggest regions that had seen the resettlement of displaced Syrians were the governorates of Aleppo and Hama in which 405,420 and 75,209 people (respectively) were returned.

Moreover, regarding Aleppo Governorate, the UN report specified that 97 percent of all returned people actually settled into their original homes. The remaining three percent were said to be renting, living in abandoned households or staying in informal refugee camps.

That study went on to clarify that, in the event, the housing conditions which Syrians have returned to are not perfect as general access to health services, clean water and food remains a dlemma in many regions.