
Colonel Aziz Rashid disclosed the quality of the weapons that the radars of coalition are unable to detect



Colonel Aziz Rashid, a military spokesman for the Yemeni army, confirmed that they attacked several border areas inside Saudi territory with rockets and artillery, causing heavy losses in their military equipment and capturing and killing a number of soldiers.

Rashed said in a telephone conversation with Sputnik on Thursday that the West Coast is witnessing an unprecedented military presence and there is a strong demand by the Tihama sons to engage the ranks of the army and the committees. The escalation comes as a response to the targeting of Yemeni fishermen and hitting them at sea, Targeting their homes and farms,

President al-Asmad attended the military parade in the fourth area. This is a confirmation of the seriousness of the army and the committees to resolve the battle militarily, and we have left the city of Al-Mukhaa to be a stronghold to target the coalition forces and their military bases and their battles in daily depletion.

He continued that the empowerment operations continue in the West Coast, which caused confusion and confusion in plans, the warships and naval parts of the alliance of aggression, which can not reach the Yemeni territorial waters only in hidden ways, because of the superiority of Yemeni weapons and the inability of their artificial satellites and their radars To prevent or destroy those missiles before they reach the targets.

Rashed added that the missiles used by the Yemeni Navy against the battleships and enemy ships cannot be monitored or tracked by the radars and other means of technology. The development process was carried out with pure Yemeni minds and hands without interference from any party after each process and its ratio to exotic objects or a boat.

On the new weapon “Marine”, Rashid said that the missiles used are “smart missiles”, developed locally and scientifically transformed the satellites and radar to idols, could not detect these missiles only after the injury targets and destroy completely when you enter the water Territorial integrity of the Republic, and that technique remains a special military secret for the Republic of Yemen and the naval forces in particular.

Rashid said that the minds of Yemenis do not stop the research and development. The Defense Minister said earlier that the next stage will be painful militarily, politically and economically, and there will be pre-emptive strikes to prevent the Alliance’s progress on the western side.