
Dead and Wounded upon the Saudi-Led Coalition Ranks in Nehim




In response to the Saudi-led coalition nonstop air strikes, the Yemeni joint forces carried out a succesful operation at the sites of the paid fightes which resulted in defeating them in the Horn region of Nehim.

As a result to the operation , a number of the paid fighters fell dead and wounded, according to a military official.

The Yemeni joint forces , in addition, were  able to destroy an armored vehicle carrying paid fighters with a guided missile in the Horn region of Nehim district.

Notably, AL-Sarkha missile and katysha missiles were launched on the gatherings of the paid fighters.

In August 29 ,the Yemeni joint forces, Monday, destroyed an armored vehicle full of the paid fighters in Qarn district of Nhoam.A guided missile hit an armored vehicle carrying elements of the paid fighters in the Horn .

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Yemeni Joint Forces Infilict the Saudi-Led Coalition Heavy Losses in Nehim