
What Makes Sudan Beg the Saudi-Led Coalition to Take Part in Killing Yemenis




In light of the frequency of media reports on the huge losses amid the Sudanese Troops taking part in the war against Yemen, ruled out the site «Middle East Monitor» Khartoum to withdraw its troops under the Saudi-led coalition in that country, pointing out that the Sudanese decision to aside with Riyadh, and the increase of troops in Yemen to over 8 thousand elements, was not encouraged by solidarity (Arab and Islamic), or for the purpose of maintaining the national security of Sudan.

The Sudanese government is,for its part,considering the war on Yemen as an “indisputable opportunity” to conclude a deal with the Kingdom in the midst of a difficult economic crisis in Sudan, which receives about $ 2.6 billion, and in parallel to the opportunity to attract large Gulf investments, Services »provided by the Sudanese side of Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf countries.

The most important significant reason for Sudan is that its alignment with Saudi policy makes it closer to Washington and constitutes an “insurance policy” to ensure that US sanctions against Khartoum are lifted and that the latter is not considered a rogue state,the report reads.

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