
Saudi Aromed Vehicle Burst Open by the Yemeni Joint Forces’ Missile




A number of the Saudi-led coalition’s paid fighters fell dead and wounded on Wednesday in attacks by the Yemeni joint forces ,in addition to destroying a military mechanism in Taiz,Bayda,Shabwah and Nehim

A military source told “YemenExtra” that a number of the paid fighters of the coalition were killed during an operation of the Yemeni joint forces that targeted their positions in the area of ​​Jardi ,Directorate of Zahir ,Al-Jawf province

 Units of the Yemeni joint forces launched an attack on the paid fighters’ sites west of the Directorate of Asilan, Shabwa province ,inflicting them losses in lives and ammunitions,it added 

A number of the Saudi-led coalition’ paid fighters were killed ,while others were wounded in an attack on their positions towards AL-Qarn and Aida in the Directorate of Nehim , northeast of Sana’a province

Units of the Yemeni joint forces  ,furthermore, destroyed a mechanism loaded with the paid fighters with a guided missile in the Hamli district of the directorate of Moza’a ,west of the  province of Taiz

This comes in the context of the response by the Yemeni joint forces against coalition’s and its paid fighters’  war and the siege imposed on the Yemeni people since March 2015

Read More:

Taiz and Shabwah Witness Military Operations at the Hands of the Yemeni Joint Forces