
Iranian Foreign Ministry Condemns Intl. Silence Toward Saudi Massacre in Hajjah




The Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman, Bahram Qasimi, condemned the constant Saudi bombardment of residential areas in the city of Hajjah, saying that the escalation of attacks and the continuation of the siege reveals the weakness of Saudi Arabia and its disability.

On Wednesday, Qassimi expressed his sympathy for the families of the victims of the Saudi attacks. He said that the frequent attacks, the indiscriminate bombing of residential areas, the continued siege, the closure of the maritime, land and air ports, the blockage of humanitarian aid and necessities required by Yemenis from entering, display the inability of Saudi Arabia and its failure in implementing its goals.

Qassimi criticized the international forums’ silence on these crimes and disasters against innocent Yemeni civilians, as well as the continuous Saudi bombardment of residential areas and civilian targets.

He also denounced the hindering of access by international organizations and relief teams to Yemen. He said these practices constitute a flagrant violation of human rights principles and laws.

The Spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry called on the United Nations and countries concerned with the crisis in Yemen to make efforts in order to accelerate the cessation of the Saudi war and to take immediate and vital measures to protect the lives of unarmed people, especially women and children.

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At Least 60 Killed and Wounded as the Aftermath of a Fresh Saudi Massacre (Graphic)