
Preparations to Celebrate of the Anniversary Prophet’s Birth, in Hajjah





Preparations are under way in all Yemeni provinces,as well as in the city of Hajjah, to commemorate the anniversary birth of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH .

Where the streets and sidewalks are decorated with colored lights and slogans that reflect the grandeur of this occasion in addition to the renewal of the colors of pavements and corridors with green color.

The teams also work on decorating the gardens and tours and coloring tree legs along roads and streets in green.

Equipment official in Hajjah province Mohammad Al-Kuhlani confirmed that the equipment to mark the occasion being in full swing.

Added that there are seven teams have been prepared for the processing of the necessary preparations to show the city’s appearance befitting in this religious occasion .

He also pointed out that in the framework of the celebration ,will organize for many religious, cultural and sports events, and the province will witness the fireworks.