
Injuries Arise in a Grenade Attack on a Hospital in Saudi-Held Aden




Two soldiers were wounded in a grenade attack on the Republican Hospital in the southern Yemeni city of Aden late Thursday.

According to media wings close to the Saudi-led coalition, recruits were wounded by a grenade attack on the hospital gate in Khor Maksar in Aden.

Two gunmen threw a grenade at the gate of the Republic Hospital after the recruits led them out of the hospital yard, noting that the bomb explosion resulted in the injury of two recruits, one of them in a serious condition, sources reported.

Just yesterday, one person was killed and another wounded Thursday afternoon when armed clashes erupted between two armed groups in Cairo District of Al Mansoura in Aden. During the bouts, they used machine guns and hand grenades as smoke rose from the site of the armed clashes.

The southern provinces currently under the control of  Saudis and the UAE, particularly the city of Aden, have been witnessing a state of security chaos, assassinations and the spread of Takfiri groups.

In addition, the eruption of armed clashes between the parties loyal to the Saudi-led coalition are quite frequent, reflecting the state of conflict between them for power and influence.

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