
An Increase of the Death Toll to 50 in the Massacre of Saada and Taiz Provinces




The number of victims of the Saudi-led coalition on the local market in Al-Sheikh area, the bordering district of Manbah and Al-Nujaibiya local market in Al-Hamli area, in the district of Mozea, west of Taiz province, has reached the death and wounded toll of 50 citizens.

The toll of the victims of the US-Saudi air raids on the local market of Al-Sheikh area, bordering district of Manabah rose to 23 killed, a source reported to YemenExra.

The source added that due to the hovering of the military aircraft of the Saudi-led coalition on the area, the arrival of paramedics was delayed to the scene of the crime, causing the increase in the number of killed.

The coalition also targeted another local market this early Friday in the district of Mozea, Taiz province, which led to the fall of eight citizens and injury of 15 others in the preliminary toll of the crime.

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