
Who is Hamid, whom spying for the Zionist enemy?




Yemen’s Primary Criminal Court (YPCC) sentenced an Iranian citizen, Hamid Mirza Kamali Sroustani, to be executed on charges of spying and contacting with the Zionist enemy and carrying out acts of sabotage affecting the security and stability of the country.

The court said the accused “Hamed Kamali Sroustani” had given himself another name “Kamal Mohammed Ben Haida”.

Prosecutors accused “Sroustani”, who holds both UAE and Iranian citizenship, of collaborating with Israel and implementing its directives to establish a national homeland in Yemen for the Baha’i group on the Yemeni island of Socotra.

The court accused the Iranian of other crimes, including inviting a number of Muslims to get out of Islam, and convert to Baha’i faith and forging official documents.