
Mazn Foundation provides food to the teachers of 103 schools




Thanks to Allah Almighty and under the slogan (together to support the continuation of the educational process), #Mazn Foundation has provided some food to the teachers of 103 schools of the new generation school in Al Rawdah area-Bani Al-Harith district,in Sana’a, the aid included dates, oil, legumes, lentils, macaroni, and milk.

The teachers expressed their deep thanks to the foundation for its sense of religious and patriotic responsibility towards the teachers who had been ill as a result of war ,siege and the interruption of salaries.

The Executive Director of the Foundation, Mr. Hashem Al-Mutawakil, stressed the need for solidarity and compassion and to help   the poor, the needy and the displaced people , especially in these situations which our country is witnessing due to the war and siege, the deterioration of the humanitarian situation and the worsening humanitarian crisis.

He also called on international and local organizations to assume their humanitarian responsibility and properly support and meet the urgent humanitarian needs of the vulnerable, displaced, marginalized and poorest families.

He , in addition, thanked the Omani benefactors’ campaign and the Banan Development Charity Foundation for their continuous support in providing the humanitarian aid package from time to time to the affected communities in the Republic of Yemen.