The reasons and stages of Yemenis’ steadfastness over 3 years of the Saudi-led coalition war : report says
Written by Mohamed El Basha
A war in a the form of brutal image like which the history hasn’t witnessed but is faced by unparalleled steadfastness ..What reveals the brutal image of it is the number of air strikes that have been carried out on Yemen and still , more than (one hundred and fifty thousands raids), exceeding what was carried out in the Second World War by more than 70%, using all kinds of internationally banned weapons, including cluster munitions, fission bombs and suffocating smoke bombs to make Yemen a testing ground for their newly manufactured weapons.
Observers believe that the Saudi-led coalition thought that the Yemeni people will surrender during the first month , the second or perhaps during the first week or the second of the war, but the Yemeni people recorded a legendary steadfastness which was and is still obvious, day by day ,which may be the greatest in history, who stunned the world with its stand against the largest coalition, in which more than thirty countries participated, ten of them were Arab countries, led by the Saudi regime ,and supported by Israel and America, both of them also participated in the coalition’s war.
Reasons of steadfastness
There are many reasons behind the steadfastness of Yemenis, which can be summed up as follows:
Firstly, the strong relationship with Allah and being supportive of the right cause ,that will be even served by falsehood, if the people of right cause work hardly , especially with the lineup that was revealed by this stage when those regimes, which claim Islam took a hand to kill the Yemeni people.
Secondly ,believing in in the cause , its justice, and the actual role of the nations
For being the victim, the nation’s role is necessary, important, effective and glorious. The nations are concerned to act to face the dangers which they suffer from; they are the basis for granting legitimacy to the governments and they even can take it from it, so that the governments don’t have the right to adopt big and dangerous issues that may resulted in selling a nation, sacrificing the sovereignty and the dignity of a nation , wasting its blood, bringing invaders under any pretext , or demanding any intervention to subdue the will of the nations.
And this is what the Yemeni people realized and on the basis of it , they moved and will continue their struggle, generation by generation, for thousands of years, as the leader of the revolution, Sayyad .Abdulmalik AL-Huthi on Wednesday, 23 December 2015, said in his speech on the anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad .
Thirdly: the cohesion of the Yemeni joint forces and the tribal community on the internal fronts and the unification of ranks which are the greatest victory.
Fourthly, the wise leadership that ran the battle and its readiness for a long-term battle within strategic and organized measures, which depleted its enemy throughout the first year of war until its economy and all its means collapsed, staying only with the means of air force.
Stages of steadfasten

Firstly: the steadfastness of the pre-response
Despite the brutality of the war against the Yemeni people since the first day, by a Gulf coalition and an Arab coalition, with American and Israeli support , in addition to the international silence, that targeted unarmed civilians with the first strike, committed the worst massacres against them, aimed at all aspects of life, even the basic services, but the result was shocking , whereas it surprised every one, including the Saudi-led coalition and its aides and supporters.
The Yemeni people have proven their steadfastness, strength, determination and wisdom while dealing with the stage despite difficulties. They tried, for forty days, to avoid what was happening and decided not to rush and respond, not because of being unable, but because that they wanted to give the Saudi regime enough time to think, perhaps it would change its mind and decided to stop launching its unjust war , breaking out clashes and wars, and to recognize the dangerous plot in which they put it, but it was discovered that it was a doll ,which they used as they wanedt to carry out their plots, that it will regret it one day . If its war is against any other country, it wouldn’t be able to stay for forty days without responding , but Yemenis then had to start responding gradually But in veil , as a result the Yemeni people and the revolutionary leadership were forced to start the public mobilization to respond and confront as self and land -defense.
Secondly: Social Solidarity and conveys
The Yemeni people have proved throughout this period that they are dear and stead fasten people that take their strength, determination, and loyalty from their dependence on Allah, and they willn’t be defeated, whatever happens .
We have seen the legendary steadfastness shown by the Yemeni for a year against the fiercest war and siege that embarrassed every observer , especially when the Saudi –led coalition was betting on defeating the Yemeni people, but they proved the opposite , when they lived their lives as usual , despite the screams of some of them which rose because of being hungry, but they kept refusing giving up and remained steadfastness in the field . They , in addition, applied the compassion principle, whereas merchants , charity foundations and even ordinary people hurried to provide humanitarian services.
The Yemeni people are known for their generosity, so the Saudi-led coalition’s war couldn’t affect them . For example, many poor families of the Yemeni joint forces’ dead , who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of the homeland , and displaced families did their best to support eachother ,whereas, displaced families relied on 90% on the community, especially with the absence of the role of international organizations which work on humanitarian relief, but gave a little comparing to this war’s disaster.
Thirdly: Community steadfastness was seen in 62 marches and more than 1000 stands

Yemeni society,since the first day of the war of the Saudi –led coalition on the capital Sana’a, refused the war , condemned its crimes , did not feel afraid or subject ,and expressed its attitudes and rejection with all available means and tools despite the lack of material resources and the insecurity situation because of the F16 that was used for killing the Yemeni people without exception, but it was not an obstacle to Yemeni society , whose all members participated in about 62 marches and more that 1000 stands ,and established many of the fronts, blocs, coalitions, and initiatives ,including various components ,through which they held hundreds of vigils against the illegal war and unjustified siege, in addition to holding many seminars, cultural, political, legal, human rights, poetry evenings, documentaries, plastic and photographic exhibitions, all of which highlighted the crimes of war and violations of human rights committed by the coalition on a daily basis. The war on Yemen embarrassed all the speakers on behalf of the human rights, foremost of which is America, which kills the Yemeni people with its various and internationally prohibited weapons , and its military and intelligence experts’ planning as well as Arabic systems, especially, Saudi Arabia.
Fourthly: rushing to support the internal and external fronts
The role played by the Yemeni people in supporting the Yemeni joint forces has been and continued to be strong over the past year in the various fields of battle , whereas they proved that they didn’t accept humiliation and couldn’t endure the invasion and interference in its decisions. It is known throughout history that the Yemeni people are free and strong people, and what proved that was when “The man comes out of the rubble of his house, wiping the dirt from his head, body and face with the remains of his wife and children, screaming at and warning the killers, the aides of America ,who are killing the Yemeni people. He then quickly carries his weapon to the fronts without surrendering without bowing to the pain he experienced because he knows the seriousness of the stage that will affect on the entire nation if the doesn’t bear his responsibility, so he joins the battlefronts to fight the Saudi-led coalition .”
Sixthly: the steadfastness of the Yemeni joint forces
It is well known what the Yemeni army has been exposed to , as being neglected, targeted and systematic torn by American tools at the internal or regional levels. This is evidenced by the frequent assassinations of dozens of people, explosions , mostly exploding AL-Sabain square and AL-Ordi , which were carried out by some , including Saudi ones, while the planning of the execution of the crime was shared by the three forces of America, the Saudi regime ,and their Yemeni aides , led by Abduraboh ,the fugitive Yemeni president, and they were the same forces that led the coalition’s war against Yemen People , especially against the Yemeni army, in order to weaken and destroy it. However, the army alongside popular committees moved to fight in internal and external battlefronts and carried out many successful operations against the Saudi-led coalition which used many and different ways. These include bringing “al-Qaeda” and “Daesh” from various countries to the land of Yemen, in addition to the paid fighters with different nationalities, using the intensive air coverage that targeted and targets the entire country with various weapons, buying others’ attitudes with Saudi money and the dollar, blocking the media ,and bribed some religious people to support the Saudi-led coalition’s war .
Despite the strength and support of these diverse and varied means, after three full years, the Yemeni joint forces managed to thwart and escalated the course of the battle in strategic, gradual and arranged steps and stunned the world and made it look at the Yemeni fighter with admiration.
Transalated by Yousra Abdulmalik