Daesh tries to storm the Faculty of Arts in ,Aden,under of the control of UAE and confirms the injury of one of its terrorist elements on March 28th, 2018
“Daesh” tries to storm the Faculty of Arts in Aden and confirms the injury of one of its terrorist elements
In the most serious operation threatening the higher education in the city of Aden, the Faculty of Arts at the University of Aden was the scene of an attack ,today ,by its elements of the organization calling the terrorist, and sources at the Faculty of Arts in Aden, said unidentified gunmen tried to break into the faculty , but the college’s guard faced them, which led to the outbreak of clashes ended with the killing of on of the guardians of the gate of the Faculty of Arts at Khor Maksar.
The sources said that two gunmen were shot from a car and fired on the guard and tried to break into the college, but other guards confronted them and fled.
For its part, the organization published pictures of the attack that left one dead and wounded, and one of the assailants was wounded in the attack and transferred to the security department for interrogation.