
A Saudi Official Newspaper calls for a reconciliation with Israel


Saudi official newspaper called on Saturday for a reconciliation with Israel, claiming that the Arabs have no choice except have full-time for confronting Iran”

The newspaper have published an article by Dr. Ahmad Al-Jumaimeh, claims the conflict with Israel are useless, saying” that issue have busied Arab countries instead of ” Iranian threat” in the region

The article which published under title ” Dhahran summit, peace with Israel and confrontation with Iran, added” “Today, the Arabs have no choice but to reconcile with Israel

He confirming, that ” Iran’s influence”  in the Arab world is likely to feature prominently in the agenda as have been accused of meddling in intra-Arab affairs

Earlier, The Saudi language newspaper “Elaph” has become in recent years a conduit for official Israeli communications with the Gulf States

Both the Israel Defense Forces and Israel’s leaders have recently utilized this newspaper and website as a channel for presenting official Israeli stances on issues

The leaders of the Arab world  have arrived in Saudi Arabia , ahead of the 29th Arab League summit to be held in Dammam