
Yemen President: Saudi crimes will not pass unpunished



Yemen President , Mahdi Al Mashad, confirmed on Monday, the forces of the US-Saudi aggression must realize that their crimes will not pass unpunished, adding the post-assassination of martyr President Al-Sammad is not as it was before, and

He met different dignitaries of the tribes surrounding Sana’a and discussed the national situation of the aggression and the crimes committed against human in Yemen, in addition to targeting the martyr president Saleh al-Sammad as well as targeting his funeral

In the meeting, he stressed the role of dignitaries in promoting the national cohesion and cohesion of the home front in the face of the aggression targeting Yemen land and humanity

dignitaries from their side confirmed their standing in facing the US-Saudi aggression and its plans, and the continuation to supply the fronts, whatever the sacrifices are

Earlier, Sayyed  Ab dul Malike stressed the involvement of America in the assassination of the President and that it is a violation of international law because it targeted a head of state and a political official in an independent country