
82 Killed and 41 Injured from the Saudi Army during April


82 solders were killed and 41 were injured from the Saudi Army in the month of April

Al-Masirah Net monitored the number of dead and injured army individuals, with their names, from Saudi official and non-official media. Those were killed and injured as a result of military operations against Yemeni Army and Popular Committees in Jizan, Najran and Asir fronts. The official media admitted the killing of only 53

A military source in the Yemeni Army and the Popular Committees told “Al-Masirah Net” that the real numbers of dead and injured Saudis from the Saudi army outweigh what has been announced in the Saudi media and that the Saudi regime has been covering up its losses over the past three years of its aggression on Yemen

In March, 55 were killed and 53 were injured from the Saudi army, as published by Al-Masirah Net earlier this month. This brings the total number in March and April together to 137 dead and 94 injured