
The American Conservative says Saudi crimes committed by US weapons


The American Conservative has posted a report for a recent Saudi crimes in Sana`a titled ” A Saudi Coalition Massacre in Sanaa 

The Norwegian Refugee Council is appalled by Saudi-led coalition strikes on a highly-populated business district in Sana’a earlier today

We abhor the ongoing use of violence to intimidate civilian populations under the guise of efforts to protect them. Yemeni people are not collateral. Adherence to the laws of war is not optional

The strikes that took place in Sana’a today are more visible to us because of their proximity to the homes of our staff but follow a trend of underreported attacks on civilians across the country

In recent weeks, website confirmed Yemeni civilians have been killed in their homes, driving their cars, and at social gatherings. Since the start of the year, over 460 Yemeni people fled their homes every day, many with nowhere safe to go

On top of this, an impending rainy season threatens to create a third outbreak of cholera. The sustained obstruction to imports through Red Sea Ports plays havoc with the food people need to survive

This latest massacre of civilians proves once again that Saudi coalition forces bomb Yemen indiscriminately and with flagrant disregard for the lives of civilians

These are the attacks that U.S. arms and refueling make possible. These are the crimes that the U.S. is aiding and abetting as long as it provides military assistance to the Saudis and their allies

For the sake of innocent Yemenis and the interests of the U.S., this assistance must be stopped at once