
HRW: Unjustifiably, Guterch Ignored Saudi Killing Yemen’s Children




Human Rights Watch considers the UN “List of Shame” not serious about the Saudi-led coalition crimes in Yemen and asserts that the list, issued by the Secretary-General, is marred by absolutely unjustified decisions. The Secretary-General of the United Nations has adopted a disturbing double standard Parties in the list.

“The new UN Secretary-General’s report on children and armed conflict sets a dangerous precedent because it ignored or belittled the importance of violations by some countries in its List of Shame”, Human Rights Watch said on Thursday.

“The UN Security Council should use the open debate on this year’s scheduled report on July 9,” Amnesty International said.

Joe Baker, advocacy director for Children’s Rights at Human Rights Watch, said that “the vast amount of evidence contained in the report on child abuse in Yemen, Sudan and Palestine highlights that the Secretary-General’s “List of Shame” is marred by unjustified decisions, That these decisions undermine one of the most powerful tools of the United Nations to expose human rights violators and hold them accountable.”

For the second consecutive year, Secretary-General Guterch divided the list of those responsible for violations against children into two parts: Parties that “took measures during the reporting period to improve the protection of children” and others who did not. The Saudis did not just continue their crimes against children in Yemen, on the contrary they intensified their targeting  of children in Yemen.