
Gunmen take the life of police chief , shortage in oil derivatives takes place in southern Yemen




Gunmen opened fire ,today morning ,on the director of the Bir Fazl police station and his aides in the southern city of Aden.

Aden Al-Gad, a website close to the US-Saudi-led coalition, quoted a security source as saying, Colonel Fahmi Subayhi and his companion were killed in an armed clash in Aden, while  he was on a mission to prevent the building of a land when he was shot.

The city of Aden also witnesses a crisis shortage in oil derivatives since the Saudi-backed Ben Daghr’s authorities returned to the city.

Local sources said that long rows of queuing cars had been crowded during this week in front of petrol stations, where 20 liter of benzine price increased to more than 6500 Riyals amid a wide-spread of back market where the citizens pay 12 thousands riyals to buy the same quantity of benzine.

Prosecution in Shabwa province revealed three corruption affairs of the oil company in the province.

Aden city, which was occupied by UK but now under the control of UAE, and the rest of the southern cities witnessed an insecurity situation that increased the assassinations of imams of mosques and security and military leaderships

The province of Aden witnesses a security fiasco that escalated with killings, looting issues , in addition to others that never happened before.

The UAE took control of Aden under the pretext of confronting the so –called “Houthis” Yemeni army and supported the establishment and formation of armed elements there.

A few months ago, Emirati-backed forces were fighting and killing Saudi-backed forces in Aden. The south is moving towards outright autonomy . The entrenchment of a war economy is another significant obstacle to peace.