
Sayyed Houthi on al-“Sarkhah” Anniversary: Enemy Needs to Control Yemen




Yemeni citizens are taking part today afternoon in the mass rallies that was held in the provinces of Sana’a, Hodeidah and Sa’adah in commemoration of Al-Sarkhah, motto of loyalty to Allah .

In a statement received by YemenExtra, the committee had called upon the people of Yemen to rally and participate in this rally, which comes on the occasion of the anniversary of Sarkha.

The Organizing Committee of Ansar Allah had set Mina street in Hodeidah province a place for holding on Friday afternoon movement’s slogan” Sharkha” mass rally.In a statement received by YemenExtra, the committee called upon the people of Yemen to rally and participate in this rally, which comes on the occasion of the anniversary of Sarkha.

The leader of Yemen’s popular Houthi Ansarullah movement ,addressing his supporters via a televised speech broadcast from the Yemeni capital city of Sana’a today afternoon on the anniversary of “Sarkhah”, says Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) are going to great lengths to further the agenda of the US administration in the Middle East region, and please their masters.Houthi also noted that Washington and the Tel Aviv regime tend to brand anyone who stands up against their wishes as “rebel.”“Aggressors are expending all their efforts to overrun the western coastal province of Hudaydah, but are confronted with stiff popular resistance. They have dismally failed in their attacks. We need to recruit more fighters in a bid to turn Hudaydah into a graveyard of enemies,” Houthi concluded.

Several festivals were held on Thursday to celebrate the occasion of the annual anniversary of Ansar Allah movement’s Slogan “Sarkhah” in several districts of Mahweet province.The participants called for strengthening the community awareness to understand the plans and dimensions of the US-Saudi-led coalition and its ambitions in Yemen and the importance of continuing to support the fronts with money and men until defeating the enemy .

 The cultural unit of Ansar Allah movement in Raymah province held a festival marking the anniversary of the movement’s Slagon” Sarkha”.In the event, the officials, local and executive leaders and social figures of the province, pointed out to the importance of the slogan in mobilizing the nation to face the danger of Zionism and their settlement projectThe officials stressed on the importance of activating the economic boycott and confronting the enemies of the nation, pointing out the importance of continuing the mobilization to support the Western Coast Front to confront the coalition .

The sons of Ibb province on Thursday organized an Festival to celebrate the anniversary of the famous slogan of Ansar Allah movement “ Sarkha”.

The famous slogan “Allah is great, death to the US, death to Israel, curse the Jews, and victory for Islam” was kicked off by the founder of Ansar Allah movement , Sayyed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi, 17 years ago over United states , Israel and all the arrogant countries’ criminal practices on oppressed people all over the world. Sayyed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi, was killed because of his defense of the Ansar Allah slogan of the anti-American and the Israeli entity.

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