
Martyrs, Wounded on Bombing of Aggression Battleships in Hajjah



A number of citizens were killed and other wounded, on Saturday evening, as a result of the bombing of the US-Saudi aggression against residential areas in Abss district of Hajjah province

the battleships of aggression targeted the homes and farms of citizens in Umm Al-Thab village of Abss district

Eyewitnesses said that the residents of the village of Umm al-Thab were surprised at seven o’clock on Saturday evening by heavy rocket fire targeting the houses of the village, resulted in a number of martyrs and wounded who were driven to hospitals in the city of Abss

Local medical workers reported that there were still missing victims and had not been found so far

The residents condemned the US-Saudi aggression targeting of their homes and properties and committing the most heinous crimes against children and women

These crimes are committed on daily basis by the US-Saudi aggression against civilians in the West Coast amid international silence