
UAE in southern Yemen supports Islamic extremists: Security Council says




Angry protests against the practices of the government of the fugitive former Yemeni president ,Hadi ,in Aden continued, as bin Dagher’s authority is unable to improve the living conditions of citizens.

Women ,who participated in the demonstration , also denounced the insecurity and the phenomenon of abductions, arrests, rapes, and murders of women in the city of Aden over the past three years.

According to the adviser to the Security Council ,Maria John, in her twitter account , the UAE in southern Yemen supports Islamic extremists led by Hani Brik and armed separatist groups against the fugitive former Yemeni president to form a pro-government government to gain Aden port, Scotara, Mayoon , and Makha ,but it is hard for it to get rid of the fugitive former Yemeni president unless getting rid of his deputy, General Ali al-Ahmar.

In addition, tribal gunmen from Yafaa tribe prevented 38 oil tankers belonging to the electricity corporation run by Ben Daghr’s authorities to exit from the oil port in Aden.

The move came on the background of the of releasing the killers of Ali Yafaai a tribesman belonging the tribe of gunmen, which may cause to cutting of the electricity in the city.The killers were released according to orders Interior minister of Ben Daghr’s authorities Ahmed al-Maisry.

In a seperate context, security services in the central province of Dhamar province, under the control of Yemeni army forces, arrested 34 mislead people loyal to the coalition .The mislead people were arrested, as they were going to join the coalition camps in Marib province.

Aden city, which was occupied by UK but now under the control of UAE, and the rest of the southern cities witness an insecurity situation that increased the assassinations of Imams of mosques and security and military leaderships

The province of Aden also witnesses a security fiasco that escalated with killings, looting issues , in addition to others that never happened before.

The UAE took control of Aden under the pretext of confronting the so –called “Houthis” , part of the Yemeni army forces and supported the establishment and formation of armed elements  there.

A few months ago, Emirati-backed forces were fighting and killing Saudi-backed forces in Aden. The south is moving towards outright autonomy The entrenchment of a war economy is another significant obstacle to peace.