
UAE recruits Africans from Arab tribes to kill Yemenis : Report




UAE  envoys are located throughout Africa, not to spread peace, love, or happiness – as promoted by the UAE to be a part of its external policies – but in search of paid fighters from Arab tribes to be recruited to fight in the Yemen war as Emirati soldiers.

UAE lures the tribesmen across a vast area spanning southern Libya as well as entire Chad and Niger, , with promises of new horizons in front of them. Such attractive offers include compensations ranging from $ 900 to $3,000, in addition to acquiring the UAE citizenship, in return for applying to job offers in UAE security companies.

“This campaign is supervised by Emirati officials who gained material profits in collaboration with human traffickers,” the report added.

Chadian activists launched an online campaign warning young men of Abu Dhabi’s recruitment plan of Arab tribesmen in Central Africa to join the UAE in the Yemen War.

One of the most notable actions undertaken by the awareness campaign was a video by the activist Mohamed Zain Ibrahim, warning Chadians and Nigerians of these job offers.

“The Arabs of the [Persian] Gulf region, especially the UAE and Saudi Arabia, have never bothered to get to know the Arabs of the desert, and today they are asking for their support and seducing them to fight by their side in Yemen!” MEMO cited Ibrahim as telling pan-Arab Arabi21 electronic newspaper.

The province of Aden also witnesses a security fiasco that escalated with killings, looting issues , in addition to others that never happened before.

The UAE took control of Aden under the pretext of confronting the so –called “Houthis” , part of the Yemeni army forces and supported the establishment and formation of armed elements  there.

A few months ago, Emirati-backed forces were fighting and killing Saudi-backed forces in Aden. The south is moving towards outright autonomy The entrenchment of a war economy is another significant obstacle to peace.

The UAE is likely behind the killing of some 27 Islamic clerics who have been assassinated in Yemen over the past two year,the Washington Post said.

All the clerics were killed by “drive-by shootings or killed near their mosques” added the Washington Post. As a survival strategy, the clerics have either fled Aden city, or restricted working hours in the mosques.