
Here is how UAE surprises Yemenis!




United Arab Emirates (UAE) forces -run Yemeni Oil Investments Company announced 600 thousands of Yemen’s oil barrels on Sunday exported from Shabwah province.

Director of the company Abdullah Omair said that “about 600 thousand barrels of al-Aqalah field will be exported through Al-Nashima portin the province.”

Assassinations and security disorder have been ramping in Shabwah since United Arab Emirates occupation forces took over the city and to looting the provinces’ wealth.

Aden city, which was occupied by UK but now under the control of UAE, and the rest of the southern cities witness an insecurity situation that increased the assassinations of Imams of mosques and security and military leaderships

The province of Aden also witnesses a security fiasco that escalated with killings, looting issues , in addition to others that never happened before.

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