Human rights report reveals shocking numbers of Saudi war victims in Taiz
The Human Rights and Development Center issued on Saturday a press conference on the humanitarian situation in Taiz governorate as a result of the Saudi aerial bombardment and its mercenaries’ indiscriminate attacks.
The human rights report said that the total number of people killed in Taiz since the beginning of the US-backed Saudi war to the end of November was 2,062, including 337 children and 198 women.
The total number of wounded in Taiz since the beginning of the Saudi war, backed by US/UK/UAE, also to the end of November is 2179, including 219 children and 127 women.
He pointed out that the statistics of damage in civil installations, infrastructure and productive and social sectors in Taiz amounted to more than 13,300.
The report monitored 142 cases of abduction by Saudi mercenaries in Taiz, 86 assassinations, 224 cases shot down by Saudi-affiliated snipers during this year.
A report issued by Humanity’s Eye for Human Rights and Development noted that in the course of this year, 47 cases of rape have been reported, in addition to 53 cases of rape, and 59 headless bodies found in the regions held by the forces associated with the Saudi-led coalition.