
Who is Responsible for the Destruction of Yemen and Syria?




Daily ‘Express’ in its editorial comments said that US President Donald Trump has revealed that not the US but Saudi Arabia would assist Syria in its reconstruction, however, if looked closely it is the US who is responsible for the destruction of the Arab state.

It said that previously US was asked to help in reconstruction of war torn Syria but Donald Trump in a tweet said that it would be better for rich countries of the region to help Syria instead of a country which is 5000 miles away from Syria.

It went on to say that American analysts also believe that President Donald Trump is trying to escape from his responsibilities.

The paper said that Syria’s infrastructure has been completely destroyed due to continuous war and military operations, which needs to be rebuilt.

It went on to say that even in Yemen, the US involvement in the country cannot be ignored. According to the report, there is a risk of famine in Yemen and many other African countries.

It said that only in Yemen 20 million children are suffering from life threatening diseases like diarrhea and other diseases.

The editorial said that Western states especially the US have played negative roles in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Libya and their only objective was to protect the Zionist regime.

As a ceasefire in Yemen comes into effect the plight of the Yemeni people remains ongoing. The war on Yemen is known as the “forgotten war” because it lacks international attention, despite being one of the biggest humanitarian catastrophes in modern history.

Since 2015, thousands of civilians, mostly children and women have been killed by Saudi airstrikes. Reports say that the Saudi-led coalition is committing daily crimes in Yemen. The Saudi war has resulted in bringing famine to more than 14 million Yemeni civilian, which is half the population.