
Captives’ Committee Informs Saudi Regime of Health Deterioration of Saudi Prisoner




The National Committee for Captives’ Affairs said on Friday that it informed the Saudi side through the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Yemen that one of the Saudi captives is sick and his condition is worsening.

In a statement, the committee said that the captive, Mousa Shawy Ali Awaji, was infected with the liver virus and that his health was getting worse day after day. “Although we did our best to treat him, his condition is beyond our therapeutic capabilities because of the country’s difficulty in importing medicines and supplies As a result of the all-out blockade imposed on the country four years ago. ”

The committee explained that it had offered the Saudi side an urgent deal for the captive in exchange for releasing a number of wounded captives and that the operation would be carried out through the United Nations.

The committee confirmed that it had informed the International Committee of the Red Cross about the prisoner’s condition and had been visited by the ICRC several times, adding “We have asked the ICRC for urgent assistance to deal with it or move to carry out an exchange, and so far there is no response from the Saudi side in this direction.”

The Committee blamed the Saudi side for any health deterioration of the prisoner’s condition as a result of the ignorance of what has been reported to the United Nations and the Red Cross.

The Saudi war on Yemen has been a lost war since its first day, and moral defeat is the most painful for the coalition in front of human rights organizations, crimes against humanity.

Saudi crimes are a duplicate of the crimes committed by the Zionist entity and the United States of America.