
Saudi-led coalition’s practices faced by Yemeni shocking responses!




The Saudi-ed coalition, backed by the US, violent practices rose in many Yemeni provinces, especially those under its control, as the Yemeni army forces shoked it with many operations and plans.

Gunmen of al-Sabayha and al-Wazeiyah tribes on Thursday continued to block the main road between Taiz and Lahj provinces for the third day in a row.This move by the two tribes came in protest against attacking a wedding hall filled with women by militias loyal to Saudi-led coalition in Wadi al-Qadi of Taiz city on Tuesday.The tribes issued a statement to clarify the reality of the wedding hall events, in which one of sheikhs of al-Sabayha, his wife, a soldier and a bus driver were killed and several others injures.The statement demanded the security committee in the province to take full responsibility for arresting the perpetrators and bringing them to justice.

Tribesmen and sheikhs of Taiz province angrily rallied on Wednesday to condemn an attack on a wedding hall and killing a bridegroom by militias backed by Saudi-led coalition in the province.At the rally, the tribes called all residents to stand together to foil the militias, condemning  criminal acts and violations that target the province.The attack on the hall, killed and wounded dozens of the tribes in clashes with the paid fighters.

“we are al-Akhabara tribes, have decided to cut off the main road between Taiz and Lahj until the perpetrators are handed over to justice and detainees are freed by the militias, in a statement tribes said.

The Yemeni Ministry of Interior announced on Thursday the insurance of Kusher and Al-Abysah districts in the province of Hajjah in full after being cleared of paid fighters.The Ministry said in a statement, Al-Masirah Net obtained a copy of it, that the security forces along with the Yemeni army forces and with the support of tribesmen of Hajour and Hajjah have secured today the areas of Al-Abysah and Kushar of elements linked to the US-Saudi aggression.” The statement pointed out that during the qualitative security operation a number of elements outside the system and the law was eliminated, while some of them handed themselves over to the security forces and the army.

The Air Force of the Yemeni army forces carry out an attack Wednesday with Qasef K2 drone targeting gatherings of Saudi army, in Jizan.A military source confirmed that the attack hit its target accurately, resulting in the deaths and injuries of number of them.

Assassinations and security disorder have been ramping in Aden since United Arab Emirates forces took over the city.

Armed fierce clashes on Thursday broke out in Yemen’s southern province of Aden, a according to witnesses.The clashes erupted between several residents of al-Moala district and paid fighters backed by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) forces.

Paid fighters of the so-called” belt security force” backed by the UAE forces on Thursday failed to reopen the main street in the center of Aden city after confrontations with demonstrators in the street.The protesters continued to close the main street of Mualla district several days ago in protest against the assassination of a young man by gunmen of the UAE forces, as he was witness to the crime of rape of a child in the city, according to correspondent of Yemen Press Agency in Aden.

The correspondent said that violent clashes broke out earlier in the day between the militias backed by Emirati armored vehicles and gunmen of Mualla district, when the armored vehicles tried to enter the main street.The armored vehicles withdrew later towards Tawahi area, while the protestors continued to close the road, he added.

The UAE forces in the city of Aden on Wednesday raided Bir Ahmed prison, which is run by paid fighters loyal to them, and tortured prisoners in hideous way against the backdrop of leaking videos from the prison.According to sources in the prison, the Emirati Forces stripped the prisoners and hung them on iron grids and beat them with whips.

Bir Ahmed prison is one of the most famous prisons run by the UAE in southern Yemen and is not subject to the so-called “legitimate authorities” in Aden. Anyone who opposes Abu Dhabi’s trends or disagrees with its allies (the southern transitional council and security belt militias) is detained in this prison.

The Southern Movement, participating in the national dialogue conference that is signed on the peace and partnership agreement, condemned on Thursday what the “southern and eastern provinces, particularly Aden province, are subjected to systematic chaos and insecurity.”

The party said in a statement that “this chaos and insecurity are caused by the coalition of aggression countries since the first day of launching the brutal war and unjust siege against Yemen,” denouncing the killing of Raafat Denba. It called on “our people in the southern and eastern provinces to reject the practices of the forces of aggression and occupation, to protect their provinces and to stand in front of them by all legitimate means of peoples in the face of invaders.”

In March 2015, the US -backed –Saudi-led coalition started  a war against Yemen with the declared aim of crushing the Houthi Ansarullah movement, who had taken over from the staunch Riyadh ally and fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, while also seeking to secure the Saudi border with its southern neighbor. Three years and over 600,000 dead and injured Yemeni people and  prevented the patients from travelling abroad for treatment and blocked the entry of medicine into the war-torn country, the war has yielded little to that effect.

Despite the coalition claims that it is bombing the positions of the Ansarullah fighters, Saudi bombers are flattening residential areas and civilian infrastructures.

However, Saudi Arabia relies heavily on the US in its brutal war on Yemen. Washington has deployed a commando force on the Arab kingdom’s border with Yemen to help destroy arms belonging to Yemen’s popular Houthi Ansarullah movement. Washington has also provided logistical support and aerial refueling.

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