
Lebanese Hezbollah Strongly Condemn the Horrible Crime against Yemeni Civilians




Lebanese Hezbollah strongly condemned on Monday the international community’s silence towards the Sunday’s air strikers carried out by Saudi-led coalition against citizens in Yemen.

Hezbollah said in a statement ” We feel deeply sadness towards the horrible crime committed by the US-backed coalition forces against the Yemeni civilians, especially children and women.

“The massacres again the citizens is war crimes, and the Saudi-UAE coalition has strip of all human and moral meaning,” it added.

On Sunday air strikes waged by the coalition fighter jets on citizens’ houses in Koshar district of Hajjah province that killed and wounded 30 citizens, including children and women.

It said that the silence of the international political and humanitarian organizations for these atrocities acts and war crimes has encouraged the Saudi- UAE coalition to kill Yemenis and destroy infrastructure without any punishment.

Hezbollah send a cable of the condolence to the Yemeni people and its political leadership in the criminal acts.

The countries that claim to sponsor human rights are racing to sell weapons , that kill the Yemeni people, to the aggression coalition’s states.

The targeting of countries of aggression to women since the beginning of their aggression is evidence of the cowardice and terror enjoyed by enemies, as well as the absence of humanitarian values in their consciences.