
Internal Conflict or Global Plan to Colonize Yemen?



By: Shefa’a Abdullah
The news of “Five British Injured Soldiers” among the 30 British special troops fired by the Army and Popular Committees on the frontier with Saudi Arabia raised more than a question mark (controversy) at many international political analysts about the British role in the aggression on Yemen and to reveal the size of international conspiracy with Saudi Arabia and UAE in this aggression on Yemen.
The British newspaper Daily Mail, after received information from military sources in the British Ministry of Defense, confirmed the presence of large British forces fighting in Yemen but they are highly secretive. At least five British Special Forces Commandos have been wounded in gun battles as a part of a top-secret UK military campaign in Yemen.
The troops are all said to be members of the Special Boat Service (SBS), the Royal Navy’s equivalent of the British Army’s SAS, which recruits mainly from the Royal Marines.
Details of British troop involvement is likely to spark further controversy as the war, described by the UN as the worst humanitarian crises since the Second World War, enters its fifth year. Strong disagreement over British involvement in the war, saw five opposition parties in Westminster yesterday calling on the UK to end arms sales to Saudi Arabia saying it has contributed to a catastrophic humanitarian crisis.
The Daily Mail report confirmed that the “King Khalid air base” was attacked by unmanned plane for the “rebels”, as the report called them, targeting Tornado aircraft used to bomb civilian areas in Yemen.
According to reports, the drone exploded on the runway, destroying two Tornado that were used to bomb civilians in Yemen.
While the report did not reveal the number of British experts who killed during the successful quality operation of the army and popular committees in the sector of Najran in the past few months, it confirms the presence of a number of military experts among the invaders and mercenaries of the Saudi enemy to carry out and supervise the military escalation of the border fronts on the entire border.


The reality of the British attitude:
The British attitudes on aggression on Yemen revealed by the statements of the British Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, in which he stressed the continuation of what he called strategic relations with Saudi Arabia to deal with the war in Yemen, gave a hint of the real position of Britain from the aggression on Yemen, which was clear from the first moment through its massive arms deals with Saudi Arabia during its war on Yemen, which was described by the newspaper “Daily Mail” in (November 2017) as “the dirty war.”
The newspaper said that the British army is training Saudi forces in secret, explained that more than 50 British soldiers are training Saudi soldiers on military skills to fight in this “dirty war,” as it described.
The newspaper revealed in a report published earlier this month that British special forces stationed in the border areas with Sa’ada as part of a highly secret campaign of the United Kingdom, in confirmation of the British participation in this aggression on Yemen.

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Statements and responses:
The statements of Jeremy Hunt, Britain’s last foreign secretary, were clear about Britain’s key role in the aggression against Yemen.
The head of Yemen’s Supreme Revolutionary Committee, Mohammad Ali al-Houthi commented on that they reveal the policy of Britain and the United States and their alliance on Yemen. “As I said on my Twitter account, Hunt confirm the intention to repeat the battle of Hodeidah.” al-Houthi added.
Pointing out that the alliance of aggression committed the most heinous crimes against the Yemeni people for the revival of arms factories in Britain and America, and change the map of the region in order to implement the agenda of the usurper entity to return as colonize.
While the Deputy Foreign Minister in Salvation government, Hussein al-Ezzi, said that the British foreign minister’s remarks are provocation to the feelings of 24 million Yemenis.
“When you are in the presence of the great Yemen, you have to pick your words very well, ” al-Ezzi to Hunt.
“Over the past 80 days, we have proved that we are the most respected of  Hodeidah agreement and the most self-assertive against the violations of invaders,” al-Ezzi added.
A member of the Political Bureau of Ansarullah,  Ali al-Qahoom, confirmed that British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s statements reveal once again that the problem in Yemen is not internal, but rather foreign, and led by the axis of evil America, Britain and the Zionist entity.
He said: “The statements of the British Foreign Secretary indicate their intentions and malicious tendencies to the failure of Hodeidah agreement and it was clearing evidence of the American-British approach to further military escalation”.


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International attitudes:
The arms sales of Western countries to Saudi Arabia, which are accused of committing war crimes in Yemen, are facing increasing criticism from non-governmental organizations, public opinion and parliamentarians to stop the bombing of civilians in Yemen and to lift all obstacles to the delivery of humanitarian and commercial goods to Yemen.
Britain has revealed that it has is a key partner of Saudi Arabia in its aggression against Yemen.
A report issued by the Committee on the selection of international relations quoted by the Guardian newspaper confirmed the depth of military cooperation between Riyadh and London.
The report said:” The United Kingdom stands on the wrong side of the law through sanctions on the export of weapons to Saudi Arabia during its war on Yemen. “
The newspaper said the sale of British arms to Saudi Arabia is illegal; it is likely to be the cause of large losses in the ranks of Yemeni civilians.
As well as several international organizations, led by Amnesty International and Oxfam launched a joint appeal in Paris this month to urge France to stop arms sales to Saudi Arabia and countries involved in the war on Yemen.
Amnesty International has also obtained an official British document proving France’s involvement in humanitarian crimes in Yemen. The document reveals that Britain exported the laser remote control system to France. These bombs were used and installed on the fighter jets used by Saudi Arabia in the aerial bombardment on Yemen.
The agency confirmed that the same bombs sold to the UAE and installed on French Mirage planes, added that this document is a sufficient evidence to condemn Paris for its involvement in the disaster in Yemen.
The Saudi kingdom and its coalition aggression declared a war against Yemen on March 26, 2015. The coalition members included: Saudi, UAE, USA, UK, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, Senegal and Sudan.
Malaysia, Djibouti, and Pakistan joined the coalition later.
Other countries provided their support to the coalition through the sale of weapons, logistical and intelligence services. These include: France, Eritrea, Somalia, Spain, Germany, Canada, Finland and Australia.

In June 2017, the Saudi coalition expelled Qatar from the coalition. And on June 28, 2018, Malaysia left the coalition of aggression.

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